Food safety and hygiene

All NorgesGruppens’ suppliers have to adhere to current laws and regulations. All suppliers have to have a quality system which is adapted to suit the suppliers business.

In the case of an emergency and the need to withdraw products from the market, it is important that the supplier’s contacts are available and can be easily reached.

Current laws and regulations shall always be followed

All suppliers must have a quality system which is adapted to suit the suppliers’ business. For some suppliers it may be sufficient with a simple IK- Food System.  For others, certification by a global food safety standard may be necessary, for example BRC, ISO 2200 or SQF.

Contacts and information to NorgesGruppen in an emergency situation

In the event of the need to withdraw products from the market, it is important that an emergency communication plan between the supplier and NorgesGruppen is in place.

If a supplier is unsure if a product needs to be withdrawn from the market, NorgesGruppen’s quality department will willingly help with this decision. We handle many cases like this on a weekly basis. Contact details can be found here (to the right).

NorgesGruppen's Quality Department
NorgesGruppen ASA
+ 47 24 11 31 00